
vendredi 28 septembre 2018

Sentsov, 138ème jour de la grève de la faim

[The time is running out]
138 днів як ввімкнув зворотній відлік своєї пекельної машини "терорист" Олег Сенцов.
"Ми просто йшли, у нас нема зерна неправди за собою."
Il y a des pays où les gens au creux de lits font des rêves;
Ici, nous, vois-tu, nous on marche et nous on tue, nous on crève. 

Ici chacun sait ce qu'il veut, ce qu'il fait, quand il passe...
Ami, si tu tombes un ami sort de l'ombre à ta place.
Demain du sang noir séchera au grand soleil sur les routes. 
Etre "partisan de Sentsov" pour reprendre cette curieuse formule, sans doute est-ce soutenir le combat de Oleg Sentsov. A savoir la "Libération immédiate de tous les prisonniers politiques oukraïniens détenus en FR."
OVD Info.org

Prisoners of undeclared war : "Sentsov's List"


Ukrainian film director Oleg Sentsov, sentenced to twenty years in a maximum-security prison labor camp after having been convicted of organising terrorist acts, is on hunger strike since May 14th demanding the release of those he calls Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia. We have already published a list of those who Sentsov may consider part of this category. Here we present all that we know about 88 people, associated with Ukraine and persecuted by the Russian authorities. Among these people are those who are deprived of their liberty, i.e. imprisoned, as well as those sentenced to probation, and therefore, restricted in their movements.

 The following information is provided:

  • on group criminal cases;
  • on charges against these people;
  • on their sentences;
  • on their whereabouts;
  • on how many people have been tortured and are experiencing serious health problems.
Moreover, the people are grouped according to their occupation, age and the year their persecution began.

OVD-Info is not able to declare for certain that each person in each case is being persecuted for political reasons. However, the use of torture against many people on the list, dubious accusations, dissemination of official information concerning terrorist acts and sabotage by Ukrainian and Crimean residents, which often could not be confirmed, along with numerous instances of violations and falsifications in the criminal cases compel us to treat both the versions of events put forward by investigators and the court and their actions with great distrust and to include these people in the list of probable victims of political persecution.



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